Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Team building & Teamwork

Valley Crossing : A Great example of Teamwork 

Our next session on Principles of Management by Prof Mandi started in unique way, I called it as learning management in vedic way. And here I learnt how an innovative, yet so simple exercise has so many managerial lessons in store! I know you people are getting curious what was there in box today. It was a valley crossing exercise! Not to create much suspense, we are not crossing an actual valley here, we are just getting a feel of it theoretically! 

Here's how the setup looks like theoretically :

The image shows what exactly we are trying to do. Three people have to cross a valley, one after the other, and the only resource is a common stick that they have to use to support each other. So when the first person is crossing the valley, the other 2 have to support him and so on for each of them. Looks difficult? But I assure you its easy once you understand the PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT involved in this exercise. There are lots of essential lessons contained in this exercise.

Learnings from this task are as follows :
  • A task might appear difficult at the beginning but it starts looking more and more possible and feasible once a proper plan is laid out at the beginning.
  •   Teamwork and co-ordination is another important management principle that we learn from this exercise. It just goes to show how a team with a good spirit and good co-ordination can cross valleys!! I would take valleys as just a metaphor here for the big obstacles the organizations actually face.
  • As in the diagram shown above, feet movement had to be in sync for the task to be completed successfully. A valuable lesson learnt here and a great way to teach that indeed. Also what I noticed here was being good in one job was not good enough and there is no concept as such of a preferred role. Each person has to cross the valley and support the other two. You cannot avoid that no matter which position you stand at. Just shows that we are bound to face obstacles in an organization and we have to be adept at handling everything to overcome those obstacles .The interdependence of members of this team on each other is a striking lesson to be learn through this exercise. This only bolsters the fact that how organizations are built on interdependence - be it amongst employees or departments. Interdependence also leads to sense of responsibility.
  • Only setting one’s mind on the task and forming a team is not enough, proper training before execution is an essential step that decides whether the team would be able to execute the task successfully or not. So, training or knowledge session before executing the task helps in deciding that team will be able to complete the task successfully and optimally or not.
  • In the valley crossing activity, all three members having same role. There is no differentiation. All three members’ roles are similar but not same.Organizations can have same people with similar role but not same.
  • All 3 members have equal distribution of
o  Risky situations
o   Half Risky situation
o   No Risky situation
It shows as in an organization, work load should be equally and optimally shared across people.
  •  Structuring team roles is also one of the important factor to find how effective team work or team output is. In an organisation, design process must be effective. Manager gets values only if the design process is effective.

Overall it was a great excercise. Had lots of things to learn with activity only, not by traditional approach of reading book.Closing this post here.
See you guys in next post with more excitement,learnings and fun!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Modern innovative Organisation

Khan Academy


The Khan Academy is a  non-profit educational organization on a mission. It was created in 2006 by Bangladeshi  American educator Salman Khan, a graduate of MIT and Harvard Business School. With the stated mission of "providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere", the website supplies a free online collection of more than 3,200 micro lectures via video tutorials stored on YouTube teaching mathematics, history, healthcare and medicine, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, economics, cosmology, organic chemistry, American civics, art history, macroeconomics and microeconomics, and computer science. The Lewis Center for Educational Research, which is affiliated with NASA, is bringing the content into community colleges and charter schools around the United States. World Possible is creating offline snapshots of the content to distribute in rural, developing regions with limited or no access to the Internet. Salman Khan was recently listed among the Time 100 Most Influential People for 2012.

  • Individualizing learning by replacing one-size-fits-all lectures with self-paced learning.
  • Taking a mastery-based approach to learning critical knowledge and skills (every student takes as long as he/she needs to learn each concept fully).
  • Creating collaborative learning environments with students solving problems   together and tutoring one another.
  • Using focused coaching by the teacher to address students' individual needs.
  • Providing guidance to the teacher through real-time metrics and reporting on student performance .It was believed that teachers can use online resources to meet the needs of all of their students.


With the stated mission of "providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere", and a vision to have a one single global classroom, Khan Academy has helped the world to learn independently which is incredible.
                    A mission statement which looks very simple and the ground reality is really shocking as Salman has done .A simple and innovative concept of online tutoring to provide high quality learning to anyone and anywhere.

Insight Into Khan’s Academy innovative Concept

Khan Academy started when Salman Khan wanted to teach mathematics to his cousins online. After sending them the videos, he put them up on You Tube so anyone else could view it if they wanted to. But he could never have imagined that this would snowball into a major phenomenon that is currently under way, but we'll touch that later. The feedback he received from his cousins was unthinkable. They actually preferred his videos to him. The videos granted them the ability to listen to him at their own pace. It was much easier now to ask him to repeat what they couldn't understand. They could revisit his lectures as and when they needed to. This ability that has been placed at the disposal of students has profound implications. This happening snowballed into teachers actually leaving comments relating to how it was changing their classrooms. While all videos continue to be hosted on Khan Academy's YouTube channel, they also are available through Khan Academy's own website, which also contains many other features such as progress tracking, practice exercises, and a variety of tools for teachers in public schools.

  • ‘Strategic planning’ is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions. The key components of 'strategic planning' include an understanding of the firm's vision, mission, values and strategies. Vision and mission statements of Khan’s Academy showcase it beautifully. The place where Khan’s Academy stands today needs no explanation.
  • As per Salman Khan’s thought, everyone is having brain and they can learn. It is different matter that someone can grasp the concept fast and someone can grasp slowly if they get proper guidance and effective way to learn on their own pace. This proactive habit actually exhibits Theory Y of management concepts.
  • As mission statement of Khan’s Academy “Providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere” seems to be simple , but in actual it is very complex. For this complex problem Salman Khan came up with the very simple and innovative idea of e-learning. It is very good example for Complex Problem and Simple Solution .


·         http://www.khanacademy.org/